Based on the Article 39 of the Statute of EPOKA University, The Administrative Board is the highest collegial administrative body, which guarantees the fulfillment of the mission, administrative and financial sustainability of the institution. The Administrative Board oversees and controls the University activities related to administrative, financial, economic management and its assets.
The members of the Administrative Board are appointed by the Supervisory Board of the Founding Company for a period of five years and may be reappointed. The Administrative Board consists of five members.
The Supervisory Board of the Founding Company appoints the Head and Deputy Head of the Administrative Board among its members for a five year period, with the right to be reappointed.
The Rector, Deans, directors of basic units and administrators of cannot be members of the Administrative, but may be invited to participate in its meetings. The University administrator performs the function of reporter in the University Administrative Boards` meetings.
In all cases, decisions are taken by simple majority and with the participation of at least half of the members. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman is decisive.
The Head of the Administrative Board ensures the implementation of decisions taken
by this Board.
The manner of functioning of the Management Board, as well as the rights and obligations of the members are defined in the Administrative Board Regulations.
a) guarantees the financial sustainability of the institution and fulfillment of its mission;
b) upon proposal of the Academic Senate approves the strategic plan of the institution and supervises its implementation;
c) approves the annual budget and the medium-term institution and oversees their implementation;
d) approves the general structure of the University, and the number of the institution's personnel at all levels;
e) sets out the rules for the distribution of the income secured by the University during the exercising of its activities, and supervises the use of financial resources;
f) defines the conditions of the employment contract of the leading authorities, academic, assistant and administrative staff of the University;
g) decides on the appointment, promotion and dismissal of the academic staff, assistants and administrative personnel based on the proposal of the Rector;
h) determines the salary system and reward of the academic staff, assistants, administrative of the University;
i) approves the maximum number of admission quotas to all programs of study, based on the Academic Senate proposal;
j) approves the number of students who will receive scholarships and the amount of the corresponding scholarship;
k) determines the tuition fees as well as the timeliness for their payment;
l) approves in advance the University Statute, before it is forwarded to the Academic Senate;
m) gives the preliminary approval for the Basic Regulation of the Institution, regulations and guidelines bearing financial consequences and adopts its financial
n) approves the closure and reorganization of the University, as well as partition or union with another institution of higher education;
o) approves the opening of the main units of the University, their reorganization or closure. The final approval is made by order of the minister responsible for higher education, upon the University's proposal;
p) approves the opening, reorganization or closure of the constituent units of the University;
q) gives the preliminary approval to the detailed annual report on the activities of the institution, compiled by the Rector and forwards to the Senate for final approval;
r) appoints and dismisses the Rector of the University, according to the Academic Senate's proposal;
s) if the position of the Rector is vacant, appoints a new rector in office for at most six months, based on the Academic Senate proposal;
t) appoints and dismisses the Administrator of the institution;
u) appoints and dismisses the Administrator of the main unit, according to the proposal of the institution's Administrator;
v) appoint and dismisses the Student Coordinator and Vice-Coordinator;
w) approves the agreements or protocols of collaboration presented by the Rector, with universities or other institutions at home and abroad, with legal entities, public and private, domestic or foreign, for the development of teaching activities, research, qualification, innovating, and other legitimate activities when these agreements bear a financial burden.