guarantees the respect for the principles of autonomy, academic freedom and research, equal opportunities as well as the rights of students;
proposes to the Administrative Board the strategic plan of the institution after drafting by the Rectorate;
approves the University Statute with a two-thirds vote of its members, after having received the prior approval of the Administrative Board;
approves the Basic Regulation of the institution, as well as other University regulations and guidelines, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force, after receiving the prior approval of the Administrative Board regarding the administrative and financial aspects of these acts;
approves the new programs of study and research, their changes, and closure. The new study programs should be based on the annual draft budget of the institution;
submits recommendations to the Administrative Board on projects, programs of study and research, as well as the necessary structural changes from the academic point of view to their implementation;
approves the annual plan of academic and scientific research activities;
adopts a detailed annual report on the activities of the institution, after receiving the prior approval of the Administrative Board, and forwards it to the Ministry responsible for higher education;
approves the calendar of the educational process in accordance with the instructions of the ministry responsible for higher education;
proposes to the Administrative Board the appointment and dismissal of the University Rector;
if the position of the Rector is vacant, proposes to the Administrative Board the appointment of a new rector in office for a maximum of six months;
appoints and dismisses Deans/Vice Deans based on the Rector's proposal;
appoints and dismisses vice-deans, heads of departments and directors of research centers, according to the Dean's proposal;
creates the Permanent Commission for the Promotion of Academic Personnel, for granting academic titles "Associate Professor" and "Professor" in case of the fulfillment of legal requirements by the institution, as well as selects its members after the self candidacy of the respective members, or in their absence, upon Rector's proposals;
ratifies the decisions of the Permanent Commission for the Promotion of Academic Personnel, for granting academic titles "Associate Professor" and "Professor";
creates the Permanent Commission for Relations with Students and selects the members of the full time academic staff whom represent the main units in the said Commission;
elects the members of the full time academic staff who represent the main units in the Ethics Council;
proposes to the Administrative Board the maximum number of student admission quotas for all programs of study, following the proposal of the basic units and approval of the main units;
makes a request to the Accreditation Council of Higher Education for the quality evaluation and accreditation of the study programs;
ensures the internal quality assurance, decides on the establishment of The Permanent Commission of Quality Assurance and approves the platform of its work;
evaluates the teaching activities and scientific research of the academic staff and assistant staff and creates appropriate mechanisms for this purpose;
ensures that the performance and evaluation of all examinations is carried out in accordance with the standards of the institution, guaranteeing quality and transparency;
makes decisions on the content and form of the diploma and diploma supplement, in accordance with the instructions of the ministry responsible for higher education;
organizes joint meetings, in collaboration with the Administrative Board, at the end of each academic year, discussing the teaching activity, scientific research and financial one.
The other functions of the Academic Senate are regulated in the institution`s regulations.