calendar November 16, 2023
Open Forum_ " Integrity in Representation: Practices from Albania & Finland"

On November 16, 2023, the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Epoka University hosted an open forum titled "Integrity in Representation: Practices from Albania & Finland" organized by the Institute for Political Studies, International IDEA, the Rule of Law Centre of Finland and the University of Helsinki. The activity was hosted by Prof. Afrim Krasniqi, Head of the Institute of Political Studies in Albania, and accompanied by remarks from Prof. Assoc. Dr. Lisen Bashkurti, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at Epoka University; Ms. Blerta Hoxha and Ms. Elvana Kurti from International IDEA; and Ms. Tuija Brax, Head of the Rule of Law Centre of Finland and former Minister of Justice in Finland. The discussion was then lead by both Prof. Afrim Krasniqi and Prof. Kimo Nuotio, Head of the Institute of Criminology and Legal Studies in the University of Helsinki.

The discussion served as a meeting point among two nations, Finland and Albania, which share as much differences as they share commonalities. Our Finnish guests, Ms. Brax and Prof. Nuotio shared with the audience the grounds of rule of law in Finland, putting an emphasis on a culture of trust among Finnish citizens, which strengthens democratic principles and state institutions. Prof. Nuoito went on to explain how the different justice reforms, lead to decriminalization of the state apparatus, which further strengthens rule of law. He mentioned the presence of the Council of Europe and the Constitutional Committee in Finland, which monitor and add to the integrity of actors related to the case. Ms. Brax on the other side, highlighted the relationship among rule of law, democracy and human rights, and how this triangle can be maintained through free media, free academia and free civil society. Nevertheless, both guests pinpointed how the maintenance of rule of law is also facing some obstacles in Finland, such as corruption and bribery, which, according to them, shows how a trust based system is not enough.

Prof. Krasniqi went on to explain to the audience examples from the Albanian perspective. The professor mentioned how there is a lack of trust to state institutions, police and judiciary within the society, and how our model differs from the Nordic one, resembling more Balkan systems of governing and living. He went on to tell the audience how a criminalized political elite is further being used as a model to be followed by youth in the country, emphasizing its negative consequences on youth mindset. Prof. Krasniqi mentioned how clientelism and pragmatism are allowing such criminalized elite to continue to function and get elected; how the state institutions are yet fragile after 30 transitioning to democracy and how the justice reform and rules themselves are paradoxical in nature. The professor explained how rule of law shall be a moral code of the Albanian society, and how youth shall not take their liberties for granted, but put it into good use, as rule of law can be established not only through laws, but through good education and positive models.

Plenty of questions rose from the discussion, reflecting youth’s challenges into building a system of trust in Albania, and curiosity over the Finnish lessons on rule of law. We deeply thank the professors, guests and organizers of this event, for presenting us rule of law from both Finnish and Albanian perspectives, and our students, for their continuous participation and willingness to learn from their own country’s history, but not only.


Written by: Ingrit Melani, TA at the PIR department

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