calendar April 22, 2024
Apply Now for the Erasmus+ Student Exchange Program - Fall 2024 to 2025 -Universite Catholique de Lille, France

The University  Catholique de Lille, France  announces the launch of its Erasmus+ Student Exchange Program for the Fall 2024 to 2025 term.  Based on the current academic offer of the Université Catholique de Lille, the students of Political Science and International Relations, Law, Business Administration and Engineering are strongly encouraged to participate.


Please consult the potential courses at the host University and at EPOKA with your academic advisor at the department using the Credit Transfer Approval Form. International brochure: Documents/Brochure - Université Catholique de Lille.pdf


Current list of courses taught in English: Documents/BD VF en ligne - catalogue de cours en anglais_0.pdf

International poster: Documents/Affiche A3 2.pdf


Quotas are limited!

Important reminders:

  1. To find the courses at the host institution visit their official website. (If you are looking for courses delivered in English language it might be helpful to check also their Erasmus Office website)
  2. Please consult the courses with your advisor at the home department at EPOKA.
  3. Before applying, please check clashes in the academic calendars of EPOKA University and host institutions.
  4. The IRO at EPOKA does not guarantee the approval of the nominated candidate by the host institution or the cancelation of the grant by the host Institution.    


If a student wants to be considered as part of the student exchange programme, the said student shall comply with the following requirements according to their respective cycle of studies:

Students in the First Cycle or Integrated Second Cycle Study Programs

  • The student should be in the second, third, fourth or - for students of integrated second cycle study programs - in the fifth academic year of his/her education or the student should have completed 60 ECTS and should not be following the final semester of his/her studies;
  • The student should have a CGPA of at least 2.40 out of 4.00.

Students in the Second Cycle Study Programs

  • The student should be in the first semester of the Master of Science study program;
  • If the student is registered in the first semester, he/she should have a CGPA of at least 2.50 out of 4.00 in his/her Bachelor studies, if the student is in his second semester and following semester, he/she should have a CGPA of at least 2.50 out of 4.00

Students in the Third Cycle Study Programs

  • The student should be in the first semester of the PhD study program
  • The student should fill in the application (Outgoing Student Application Form) form, and submit the form together with the requested documents to the International Relations Office within the announced timeline.



- Application for International Exchange Form (at the link)

- Most recent transcript of records (From Registrar’s Office)

- Motivation Letter

- CV

- Copy of passport / national ID card


C.    GENERAL DEADLINE TO APPLY – April 25, 2024

+355 4 2232 086 - +355 4 2222 117
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