calendar January 17, 2024
PhD Dissertation Defense Jury for the PhD candidate, Ms. Ines Stasa

Congratulations to Ms. Ines Stasa for successfully defending her PhD Disertattion

Ms. Ines Stasa from the Department of Political Science and International Relations has achieved a significant milestone by successfully defending her Ph.D. Dissertation on January 17, 2024. Her thesis, entitled "Transitional Justice in Albania, Kosovo, and North Macedonia in a comparative framework".

Throughout this rigorous journey, Dr. Stasa received invaluable guidance and supervision from the esteemed Asoc. Prof. Dr. Salih ÖZCAN. Her defense occurred in front of a diverse five-person jury composed of distinguished professors renowned in their respective fields.

The jury included Prof. Dr.. Gjergj Sinani from Bedër University College, Prof. Dr. Merita Xhumari from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tirana, Prof. Dr. Edmond Rrapti from the University of Tirana, Prof. Dr. Endri Papajorgji from EPOKA University, and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Islam Jusufi is a researcher in North Macedonia.

The Department of Political Science and International Relations extends its heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Ines Stasa.

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