calendar November 20, 2024
EPOKA University Participates in 'AI Horizon: Shaping a New Era of Creativity and Innovation' by the Academy of Sciences of Albania

Representatives from the Computer Engineering Department at EPOKA University took part in the International Scientific Conference "AI Horizon: A New Era of Creativity and Innovation", organized by the Academy of Sciences of Albania (ASHSH).


The International Scientific Conference "AI Horizon: A New Era of Creativity and Innovation", organized by the Academy of Sciences of Albania (ASHSH), was held in collaboration with several universities and academic institutions, including the University of Tirana, Polytechnic University of Tirana, EPOKA University, Mediterranean University of Albania, AlbScience Institute, University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina", University of Business and Technology in Pristina, and the University of Tetovo.


This conference brought together academics, scientific researchers, and professionals in a single event to discuss the use of AI in different areas of science and economics and society, to discuss developments in the framework of new technological and innovative applications, to explore and debate trends, advances, the latest technologies and innovations in AI. Prof. Dr. Betim Çiço, professor from the Computer Engineering Department was part of the Organizing committee, as a key member in moderating, planning, coordinating various aspects and developing the program of the conference.


EPOKA University’s staff members presented six research papers, all of which will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected and extended versions of these papers may also be featured in the Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences, managed by the Academy of Sciences. Notably, EPOKA University was among the institutions with the highest number of research papers presented at the event.


  • On an overview of state-of-the-art research on AI in Western Balkans

Dimitrios A. Karras; EPOKA University, Tirana, Albania


  • A systematic review of Machine Learning Algorithms in IoT-based Personalized Online Learning Systems

Edlir Spaho, Betim Çiço, EPOKA University, Tirana, Albania


  • Improving Medical Diagnosis with Deep Learning Models in Two Medical Image Analysis

Bora Tafa and Bekir Karlik; EPOKA University, Tirana, Albania


  • Balancing Model Efficiency and Accuracy in 3D MRI Image Segmentation

Kevin Hoxhalli, Arban Uka, Florenc Skuka, EPOKA University, Tirana 


  • Usage of Description Logics for Data Integration: A Short Introduction

Edlira Cani; EPOKA University, Tirana, Albania


  • Comparing AI Methodologies Using Analytical Statistics

Ketjona Shameti, Betim Cico, EPOKA University, Tirana, Albania


All the papers presented by the staff were highly regarded for their quality. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Betim Çiço delivered three more presentations in collaboration with the University of Prishtina and the University of Tetovo.

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