Master of Science in Business Administration
The normal duration of Master of Science study program is two academic years or four semesters with 120 ECTS. In the fourth semester, the student completes his or her master’s thesis.
The qualification from this department provides the students with knowledge in management and in business administration, as well as with organizational skills to serve in the public and in private sector.
The system of attendance is full time. Detailed information on the courses offered in the semester schedules is included in the academic plan. The list of departmental required and elective courses is provided in detail in the academic catalogue, including the theoretical lessons, recitation lessons, credits, equivalent credits according to ECTS credit system, and workload of each course.
The objective of this department is to fulfill the need for qualified members in this field, and to prepare skilled people to work in different managing sectors. Demand from graduates of bachelor programs has also been an influent factor driving the creation of the Master of Science in Business Administration study program
The mission of the Business Administration Department is to prepare and graduate students for careers in business, government and non-profit organizations by providing a broad professional education. The business administration program is structured around a group of technical courses, which exposes students to the basic tools of quantitative methods, accounting, and economic theory, and a core of management and leadership courses that integrate culture, language, and ethics, to enable future business leaders to meet the challenges of today’s global environment.